Series of four 640×480 resolution cameras

Announcing a series of four 640 x 480 resolution cameras
Ti401 PRO, Ti480 PRO, TiX501 and TiX580 Infrared Cameras

A new full spectrum line of Fluke infrared cameras designed with the customer’s challenges in mind.

Fluke is redefining the resolution standard for professional infrared cameras. All the cameras in this series offer the advantage of 640 x 480 resolution and the option of two different forms. Now customers can truly select a camera that is best suited to their operation without sacrificing resolution, ergonomics or features.

We recognize that it’s not one approach for all—each industry, business and success measure is unique. Optimally engineered, Fluke cameras are designed to drive efficiency through the latest in thermography technology advancements. They offer everything needed for industrial professionals to safely, quickly and easily find, assess and solve mission-critical problems before they result in downtime, become costly or even disastrous.



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